Clearcom MS-702 2-Channel Base Station
The Clear-Com MS-702 is a one-rack-space, two-channel main station with a regulated 1.2-amp "fail-safe" power supply, individual channel short-circuit protection, and a versatile intercom monitoring system. It supports two intercom channels with up to 40 beltpacks or 10 speaker stations. It features Clear-Com's excellent speech intelligibility in both high- and low-noise environments.

Monitoring System
The MS-702 can monitor intercom activity on one or both channels with individual listen-level controls. Monitoring intercom activity is possible through a headset or the internal loudspeaker. The high-sensitivity internal speaker provides intelligible communication in the typical active production environment.

Talk Selection
The MS-702 contains mic preamps with limiters, and speech-shaping circuits for enhanced intelligibility. An individual electronic momentary latching talk button is provided for each channel. These buttons light dimly when latched - blue-color LED while in stand-by and amber-color LED when latched. The channels may be accessed separately or simultaneously without tying them together. An optional gooseneck mic is available.

Announce Output
For paging applications, the MS-702 provides a balanced, line-level output signal to a1/ 4-inch TRS connector on the rear panel. The front panel "Announce" button activates the output and the Announce relay. The relay circuit, on a separate1/ 4-inch TRS connector, is typically used to mute control-room monitors during live announcements.

Visual And Audible Signaling
Visual "call" signaling attracts the attention of operators who have removed their headsets or turned off their speakers. Call buttons for each channel signal all stations on that party line by flashing brightly. Along with the visual signal, the station's speaker will emit an audible signal if the remote station operator holds the Call button for more than 2 seconds.

Remote Mic Kill (RMK)
The MS-702 is equipped with a global RMK button. It will turn off the microphone talk circuits of all Clear-Com beltpacks in the system, eliminating extraneous noise from the "open" headset microphones.

Program Input
The MS-702 accepts a line-level external program input for monitoring in the headset and speaker, and/or mixing with intercom audio on either or both channels. When Interrupt is selected, the program signal is interrupted when the Talk button is pressed.

Power Supply & System Protection
The MS-702 provides visual indication of power supply conditions. In the event of a short circuit or current overload on a channel, that channel will shut down while the other one continues to operate. As soon as the fault condition is removed, the "auto-reset" circuitry will restore power to that channel - even under full load conditions.

Simple Set-Up
The MS-702 connects to remote stations with standard, two-conductor shielded mic cable. User-selectable setup dip switches are provided on the rear panel.

The Clear-Com Concept
Clear-Com is a closed-circuit intercom system that consistently provides high-clarity communication in high-noise and low-noise environments. A basic system consists of a single- or multi-channel power supply or main station connected to various single- or multi-channel remote stations, such as beltpacks and loudspeaker stations. Clear-Com manufactures a wide variety of both portable and fixed-installation units. All are compatible with each other. Clear-Com intercom systems can also interface with other communication systems and devices.

Please Note! This item is just one component of a larger system. Please refer to the diagram for ideas and recommendations for your Clear-Com intercom system. Diagram shown is a recommendation for a small House Of Worship with simple partyline systems and wired beltpacks.